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Our service is free and easy-to-use.

We're approved by the British Parking Association to review Parking Charge Notices (PCN) appeals received on private land, as part of our POPLA service.

We’re also approved by CTSI (Chartered Institute of Trading Standards) to independently handle consumer disputes about D&G (Domestic & General) service and maintenance plans.

Raise a dispute

After raising your complaint directly with Domestic and General, and giving them 28 days to resolve the issue, you can bring your dispute to us for consideration.

Please fill out the info below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

All fields are required unless specified optional.

Your details

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If different to account address
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I’d prefer to be contacted by:

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The company your dispute is about

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This form is for service and warranty disputes with Domestic & General (D&G). If your complaint or dispute is with another company, we will not be able to advise or attempt to resolve the issue. Who can help if we can’t

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e.g. DG-*******-YYYY
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The information you enter here should paint a picture of your complaint. From this description we should be able to understand what has happened and why you and the company are in dispute. You should explain what has gone wrong and why you remain unhappy with the company. We appreciate dealing with this matter can be upsetting but to help us understand what has happened please include a timeline of events and facts of the dispute. The company should be allowed a reasonable opportunity to resolve your complaint before we can become involved.

Please explain how you and the company have tried to resolve your complaint.

It’s important to give us as much information as possible, so we don’t have to keep coming back to you.

When it comes to the evidence we’ll ask you to provide things like:

  • Dates you first noticed the issue and complained to the company.
  • Any copies of correspondence or details of phone calls. Such as dates, times and names of the members of staff you spoke to.
  • Any other evidence that demonstrates the issue.

We won’t be able to process the case without this.

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Summary of your complaint

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How could Domestic & General resolve your dispute?

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Supporting documents

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Supporting Documents
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    In order for Flexible Resolution Services to consider and resolve my dispute, I accept that any information I provide may be shared with my service provider, their regulator, or a secure data processor working on Flexible Resolution Services’ behalf.

    By submitting this form I also give permission for my service provider and/or its agents to release to you any information they hold about me, my accounts and/or my dispute, which may be relevant to the case.

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    We value your privacy and that’s why we take our data monitoring seriously.

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    Looking to appeal a private parking charge?